Wednesday, March 3, 2021


         There are many ways to film a movie opening and it is important the camera shot come put clear and in a good format for editing software. All throughout this year for this class I used my iPhone 7. I am going to use it again for this project. The big reasons why is I do not have any other equipment to film with, but also because I am familiar with how an iPhone camera works and I know how to export the videos taken on an iPhone onto an editing software. This method of filming suits me and is what I am most comfortable with.

        The tricky part is to record the dialogue audio and synching it up with the video. I think through Apple Airpods the audio can be captured or any Bluetooth headphones, but the people I am asking to act have Airpods. The issue now is to figure out whether I am going to connect the Airpods to the phone that is recording or to a separate phone and record the audio through voice memos. I will test out whether the camera app picks up audio from Airpods and if it does, then I will connect the Airpods to the iPhone that is recording so that I would not have to sync up the audio with the video.
For the lighting I will record during the day, so that I can use the daylight and edit the exposure, contrast etc. in the post production. It will be a little difficult, but I will need to pick a location where the location has adequate lighting. To edit I will be using the app I used the whole year which is Shotcut for now. It is pretty basic and if I think I need more complex editing apps I will ask around, but for now I think I should be fine with it. I think it will be a little hard to film without artificial lighting but it is still doable, I will just need to figure out how to edit lighting in post-production in Shotcut.

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Movie Opening post

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