Thursday, March 11, 2021

Color Schemes

         Color is very important in a film. It can affect people in many ways psychologically and emotionally. It does many things and can help in setting the tone of a film, show the details and traits of a character and can highlight details in movies that have deeper meanings in them. For my movie opening, I want to aim to create a color scheme that helps to set the tone of the film and show the trait of a character. I want people to understand from the two scenes I am shooting that it is a serious action movie as opposed to a comedy one. Also in my second scene, I want a good color scheme to highlight the destitute nature that Bill Tyson finds himself and highlight his desperation. But, the movie does not have anyone dying in it, so I do not want the color scheme to convey the tone of death

        In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 a color scheme is used to convey a message of seriousness and loss. The movie comes to a point that the audience knows that lives will be lost which is why a muted blue and green scheme is used. It helps to signify the tragic nature of the film and it helps to make the audience feel the same emotions as the characters are supposed to be feeling. The movie makes sure to use muted color as well because bright blue and green would have an altogether different meaning than muted blue and green. The importance of this is immense because it is easy to tell the tone of a movie from its colors, so if the color scheme does not elicit the same emotions from an audience compared to what is going on in the movie, then they will not enjoy it as much.

        In contrast the movie Frozen uses color scheme to illicit the opposite emotions. It does not want to convey death and sadness and instead convey hope and love. Usually in a place as cold as where the movie takes place, the weather is brutal and the skies are usually filled with darkness and hopelessness. However, Frozen makes use of lighter colors to illicit more positive emotions. Snow and snowstorms instead of conveying hopelessness convey hope and love. The tone of the movie would be completely different if the snow was depicted more as cold and hostile instead of welcoming. 
        For my movie opening, I do not want the color scheme to convey something as dark as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, but not something as upbeat as Frozen. I want my opening to portray Bill Tyson as lost and hopeless before he gets the call, so I am thinking about using a darker hues and colors when he is pondering in his car, but after he gets the call the color subtly starts to become lighter. I think this will help to add detail to the character of Bill Tyson but still keep the serious sentiment of the movie.

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